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Polish and antique wood with beer

Turns out, all those spilled beer is exactly where they should be! Some ways you can use beer to polish wood funitures and floors:

Basic polish: pour some flat beer onto a microfiber rag and rub it into wooden furniture to add some shine and deepen the color.

Polish Recipe #1: This one is good for oak furniture. (credit)
Boil together
one quart of beer
1 tablespoon sugar
2 tablespoons beeswax
Cool, then wipe onto your furniture. Let this dry. Polish with a soft cloth.

Antique wood with beer: Traditional dark beers will create an antique wood effect far quicker.

  • Chestnut dark mild beer has the strength to stain the wood, premium lager would do nothing.
  • Sand off the layers of polish or varnish. 
  • Must use CLEAN CLOTH for staining. Dip cloth into a dish of dark beer and rub onto the surface of the wood. 
  • Let a corner of the clean cloth soak into the dark beer and sit the beer soaked cloth on top of the wood for an uneven finish look that antique wood have. 
  • Add a light coat of varnish to seal the color in when you have the color you want.
 Detailed instruction here.


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